近日,韩明辉会长接收加拿大联邦国会议员 Paul Chiang (蒋振宇)先生颁发的联邦国会贺信,热烈祝贺韩明辉当选为加拿大湖北同乡会第12届理事会会长,并同时祝愿湖北亲朋好友新春快乐,蛇年大吉。万锦市于人村国会议员蒋振宇,祖籍是湖北天门人,是社区强有力的代言人,也是湖北同乡会的老熟人,对加拿大的湖北老乡极为关注。韩明辉会长代表湖北同乡会全体同仁对他表示感谢,愿意共同合作把湖北同乡会越办越好,为加拿大湖北籍同胞热忱服务,为加拿大华人社区的建设而努力。
President Minghui Han received a congratulatory letter from the Federal Parliament issued by Mr. Paul Chiang, a federal MP of Canada. He warmly congratulated Minghui Han on his election as the 12th chairman of the board of directors of the Hubei Association of Canada. Mr. Paul Chiang is a member of the Parliament for Markham-Unionville, whose ancestral origin is from Tianmen, Hubei. He is a strong spokesperson for the community and an old acquaintance of the Hubei Association. He is very concerned about Hubei compatriots in Canada. President Minghui Han expressed his gratitude to him on behalf of all colleagues of the Hubei Association and is willing to work together to make the Hubei Association better and better, to serve the Hubei compatriots in Canada enthusiastically, and to work hard for the construction of the Chinese community in Canada.